Wednesday, May 8, 2013

New Post and New Things

Hey everyone, if you are following my blog here I have switched to here. Please check out my new blog!!! I have a new post today with a very special guest blogger. I am so excited so please head on over. Thank you for your faithful following I appreciate all of you!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Physical Health: Day 60, Results Day

Day 60 Results: It has now been over 60 days since I started my beachbody challenge. WOW! What a ride! I can not believe the changes that have occurred in just 60 days. I am stronger mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. I am definitely healthier. I am skinnier. Wahoo! I am still on my way to being one fit mommy but I'm a little closer. I lost 12.5 lbs. in 60 days and 15 inches overall. Not only that, I made some new friends and experienced so many life changing experiences along with my other challengers. I am happier, more confident and less stressed out. I have tried so many things and failed at all of them throughout the last five years. I needed something that would work. I needed accountability. I needed motivation. I definitely needed support from others who had been there and those going through the same thing. So I am both excited and thankful. I am also not done so continue to journey with me please.

I wanted to share something personal for those that might be going through the same thing. These are some of the comments that I wrote during the challenge.

  •  My motivation is my Sister in Law's wedding this summer. I hate having my picture taken and do not want to be in her wedding pics the way I am right now.
  •  This was my why: I want to live a healthy lifestyle. I want to teach my kids the right eating habits. Honestly I am so afraid of having chubby kids. I haven't fed them the healthiest foods and my son won't eat fruits and vegetables. I am so scared that they are learning my bad eating habits and will end up fat. I want to change that. I want to be a healthy family. I know what I need to do I just have had a hard time doing it. I am an emotional eater and the last two years have been rough. Ultimately I'd like to lose 45 lbs. I want to fit into my skinny clothes. I want to rock a bikini. I want to run a half marathon and a tough mudder. I really want to have the energy to chase my kids around and play with them without getting tired before they do. 
  •  This is what I wrote at the end of the challenge: I'm so sad that this is coming to a close but I'm excited for where we are all going! Carson and Chelsea thank you so much. I am so grateful for this experience. I have learned so much about who I am and what it takes to make a change. I believe in myself again! I am investing in myself so I can invest in the ones most important to me. I feel ready to take on not only my health but my family's health. The accountability and the support from this whole group has been amazing. I love the new friends that I have made. Thank you! We did this together and it's not over. I have been so blessed by this opportunity. Thank you Chelsea and Carson for your passion to help others. Beachbody changed my life! I am so much stronger mentally and physically. I am so proud of all of us!!
What's next for this Momma? I am going to start Insanity. I think I might be insane but be expecting a lot of blog posts about this. Yikes! I think I will definitely be ready for those family wedding pics though!!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Physical Health: 8 Reasons Shakeology Is So Good For You

Why You Should Be Drinking Shakeology: 8 Things You Need to Know

Since I started my beachbody challenge and have started telling people about Shakeology I must admit I have not done this product justice. So I decided to write this blog post. I commonly hear, it is just so expensive and while it is $130 a month, IF you replace a meal with it everyday for a month that is only $4 a meal. For me the benefits definitely outweigh the cost. While Shakeology's benefits are boundless, here's a short list of universal benefits.

1.    Antioxidants. Shakeology contains some of the most potent antioxidants: flavonoids and phytonutrients such as spinach, blue green algae, carrot powder, strawberry powder, and vitamins E and C. These help to prevent free radicals from oxidizing and destroying cells. The ingredients in our antioxidant blend such as pomegranate, acai berry, camu-camu, goji, and blueberry also have powerful antioxidant effects to support your immune system and help protect your body from normal inflammatory response. 

2.    Energy. Shakeology contains a range of B vitamins and trace minerals, like zinc and magnesium, from whole food sources that regulate metabolism and increase energy. Shakeology also contains maca root, an adaptogen herb known to promote endurance and stamina. Check out our Ingredient Spotlight on maca root to learn more. 

3.    Digestion. The Shakeology non-dairy prebiotic and probiotic blend contains fiber and different enzymes like amylase, papain, cellulose, and lactase, which all support digestion. These ingredients aid in breaking down food molecules into smaller molecules that can be properly digested, so all of the nutrients can be absorbed into your system. 

4.    Mood. One scoop of Shakeology provides 100% of the daily recommended intake of vitamin B12. B12 is often linked with good mood maintenance; B vitamins are also essential for the production and proper functioning of neurotransmitters like dopamine, crucial to the experience of pleasure. Shakeology also contains cacao, which is very high in phenylethylamine (PEA). PEA acts as a neuromodulator to enhance one's mood. 

5.   Detoxification. Many of the ingredients in Shakeology (spirulina, chlorella, flaxseed, barley grass, spinach) contain powerful detoxification compounds such as chlorophyll and alpha-linolenic acid. These ingredients may help rid the body of environmental toxins such as smog, heavy metals, herbicides, cleaning products, and pesticides. They also aid in liver detoxification. Shakeology also includes kamut grass, an ingredient coined "nature's most powerful detoxifier." This grass has been known to cleanse the body and detoxify the cells to restore health and vitality. 

6.   Immunity. The antioxidants, bioflavanoids, and flavanoids in Shakeology work to support immunity. Some of these ingredients include ashwaganda, acerola cherry, rose hips, and goji berries. The goji berries in Shakeology are one of the richest sources of antioxidants; not only does goji berry promote eye, reproductive, and circulatory health, but it also supports your immune system and promotes longevity! 

7.   Satiety/cravings. The protein, chromium, and nutrient-dense calories from superfoods in Shakeology work to help decrease your appetite. Chromium is important because it helps maintain blood-sugar levels, which reduces sugar cravings and promotes fat metabolism. Plus, protein-rich meals are a great way to keep you feeling full, longer! 

8.   Complete nutrition: Each Shakeology ingredient plays an important role in feeding your body on a cellular level, but it is important to remember that the synergy of the 70+ ingredients working together is what truly fuels your body to keep you looking and feeling your best. You would spend over $300 on these ingredients if you were to buy them separately.

It helps you lose weight, curb cravings, lower cholesterol, and increase energy." I can testify that it has definitely done all that for me and more! This is all true, but at the end of the day, Shakeology is SO much more than that! The most important thing for me is I KNOW I am healthier because I drink it everyday and that makes me feel so good. If you would like more information please contact me via email. I'd be happy to chat more about this.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Physical Health: Do the Holidays derail you?

Confession: It's been a bad week. Very bad. Easter has done me in. Sugar is my nemesis. I have a serious sweet tooth and at times have trouble taming it. It likes to rear it's ugly head quite often but especially around the holidays. My children bless their sweet little souls got a TON of candy for Easter. A crap load, I think more than Halloween. One of the candies they received was Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and they do not like them. Let me rephrase that, will not eat them. Oh no!! You know what's coming next right. I'll just have one or three or maybe 50. Ok, a little bit of an exaggeration but it's seriously bad. The sweet tooth has been awakened and I can't stop.
I have actually discovered sugar can be an addiction. Just like alcohol and tobacco and other drugs. It's an addiction and I don't think it takes a lot to kick start the cravings. So I now need to detox. I know, really? Yes and so do you, if you struggle with this.

Step One: Get rid of or hide the sugar. Cut it out of your diet. If needed donate it or throw it away. Lock it up and give someone else the key. Whatever it takes to get rid of it!!!

Step Two: Stock up your kitchen with sugar free items. Replace high-sugar cereals with a whole grain cereal that contains little to no added sugars. Sweeten it naturally with fresh berries or half of a diced banana. Instead of snacking on candy or cookies, reach for a handful of nuts or some raw veggies and hummus. Replace sweetened yogurt with Greek yogurt or plain yogurt. A more filling afternoon treat than that sugary "protein bar" (such as peanut butter on whole-grain crackers)?

When choosing a refreshing beverage to quench your thirst, keep in mind that you want to eat your calories, not drink them. Choose ice cold water flavored with a squeeze of fresh lemon or an orange slice. Or flavor unsweetened iced tea with fresh mint, crushed raspberries, or a squeeze of citrus.

One tip to help you avoid added sugar at the supermarket is to shop the perimeter of the grocery store as much as possible. Think about the general layout of a grocery store: The outside is home to fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats, dairy products, and whole grain breads and the inside aisles are stocked with cookies, chips, soda, fruit juice, cake mixes, and other processed foods. Spend most of your time on the outside and only go down the inner aisles for specific products, like whole-grain pasta.

Never shop on an empty stomach and always shop with a list. Shopping while hungry can lead you to adding all kinds of snacks and impulse buys to your cart. Meal planning can be a tricky task at first, but following a meal plan is an important part of breaking the sugar addiction. It will help to keep you on track and help prevent stopping for fast food when you don't have a game plan for dinner. Spend a little time on Sunday afternoons jotting down some meal ideas for throughout the week. Make a list of the food items you will need to make the meals you wrote down and stick to it!

Here are some additional resources that will help you stock a healthier kitchen:

Portable snacking tips and ideas

Over 100 super foods for a super you

Shopping cart essentials

Step Three: Stop the cravings. Identifying true hunger and cravings is important. If you are truly hungry a healthy sugar free snack like nuts or veggies and hummus will satiate you just fine. If you are having a craving that will not be enough. You will not stop until you pig out on something with sugar. You will need a distraction instead, go workout or go on a hike. I recommend something active. Remember this is not going to be easy but after awhile it will become habit and your sugar threshold will decrease.

Step Four: Have a plan for here on out. Cutting out sugar forever is probably not realistic So allow yourself some every now and then. Special Occasions and such. Just don't go overboard. Or you could find yourself in trouble. If you slip up, don’t beat yourself up over it. Accept your action and decide to make a better decision next time and move on. Continue to experiment with your new, healthy foods and recipes. You'd be surprised at how many ways you can make treats healthier and use far less sugar than a recipe suggests.

And remember: It generally takes about 3-4 weeks for a new behavior to become habit, the most important thing is to stick with it.

For more information please visit their site.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Physical: Are you always tired?

Are you always tired? I know I was. ALWAYS TIRED! It didn't matter how much sleep I got I always felt tired. I had no energy. I didn't have the energy to do the things I wanted to do and barely enough to do the things I needed to do. Everything took effort. I was so frustrated because my kids would want me to run around and chase them and get up and be active and I just couldn't keep up with them. I wanted to but I also wanted to sit and not run around. One of the reasons I decided to do this 60 day Beachbody challenge was because I wanted to change this. I want to be an active part of my kids' lives and I want our family to be active. I know the problem was the crap I was eating. Your body needs the right nutrients to fuel it. Your body needs the right balance of carbs (simple sugars, fiber, starch and oligos)fat and protein. You also need water. Lots and lots of water. Well I have good news: my energy has skyrocketed. I have so much more energy now. Even though working out helps to increase your energy too, it's more than that. I can run around with my kids and do all my daily activities without sitting on the couch because mommy needs to take a break. One of the key sources of my energy: Shakeology. I love it!! I drink it almost everyday. It has so many key nutrients in it and lots of super foods. I am just learning about super foods and they are amazing, but also hard to fit into your diet. The great thing about Shakeology is it tastes delicious. You would think with all the health that is packed into it that it would be gross but it's not. It's also very affordable. You would spend three times as much on the foods that are in it. It also helps control cravings which is huge for me. I have a killer sweet tooth.
This stuff is amazing! If you want to know more, please comment. If you have used it and love it, please comment! Also if you reading my blog and enjoying it please comment! Can you tell I like comments!!!!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Emotions: Why am I overweight?

Emotional roller coaster. We have all experienced them probably multiple times. I know I have. As I have started on this journey I have learned that women tend to be emotional eaters (maybe men too but I am not sure). I have heard so many stories of overweight or obese women say "I was going through some major depression" or "I was so angry." I have realized that to tackle your weight loss you have to tackle your emotions. Why are you mad? Whom are you mad at? What is making you sad? Are you discontent? Does the world owe you something? Are you scared? Are you worried? Are you just downright overwhelmed? Have I stuffed these feelings with food? Have I nursed my emotions with sugar? When I finally decided to put my health first. I had to analyze all of these things? I can not feed my emotions. We should be eating for nutrients. We have to look at food as fuel for our bodies. That does not mean that it shouldn't taste good. Food is not our comfort. We must find comfort in some other form. For me my comfort comes from full dependency on Jesus Christ. Our perspectives must change to find freedom. So here are three things I recommend to take control of your emotions and your eating.

1. Truly analyze your emotions. Start keeping a journal. Write about your day. How you felt? What made you feel that way?

2. Start keeping a food diary. Write down what you ate all day long. Is there a connection between what you ate and how you felt.

3. Find another source of comfort. I can't tell you what that is for you. Maybe self help books. Maybe talking it out with a trusted friend. For me, my comfort is Jesus Christ. God loves me, he frees me and he makes me new. He loves you and he can do that for you too.

You are what you eat, so don't be fast, cheap, easy, or fake!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Welcome to my home

This blog is about health. Mental, Physical, Emotional and Spiritual. To truly be healthy they must all 4 be in harmony. If one aspect is out of whack then the other areas will suffer. My posts will all be focusing on one of these aspects.

Mental: We must always be challenging ourselves, learning and growing. You are never to old to learn something new. The brain must be excercised regularly too.

Emotional: Oh boy, as a woman sometimes we let our emotions run our lives. This is no way to live though and can cause so much grief. It can affect our relationships, our physical health, our eating habits and so much more.

Spiritual: We are all spirtual beings. God created us with a soul. That emptiness inside that craves something more, something different. Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior, without him I would be nothing. I have grown so much spiritually recently and will share some of those struggles as well.

Physical: As you all know according to my first post. I am changing a lot physically right now. So there will probably be a lot of posts about this.

Thank you so much for following me on this journey. I am so glad you are here!